United Nations Apps

ShareTheMeal – Help children 4.0.3
United Nations
TOGETHER WE CAN END HUNGER!ShareTheMeal is the charity app by the World Food Programme thatallows you to feed a child in need with one tap on your phone.Every year, hunger kills more people than malaria, HIV andtuberculosis combined. But it costs only $0.50 to feed a child forone day. There are 20 times as many smartphone users as hungrychildren. If every one of us gives just a little, we can make thisworld a better place!✫ 800,000 people are already fighting hunger withShareTheMeal✫ 12 million meals have been shared✫ ShareTheMeal is part of the United Nations World FoodProgramme✫ Google Editor Choice and Best Apps 2016Use ShareTheMeal to:+ Share your meal with hungry children: wherever you are, wheneveryou want+ See exactly where your donation goes and who you arehelping+ Create a team and fight hunger together with your friends+ Learn more about how we can build a world without hungerYou should fight hunger with ShareTheMeal because:+ Hunger is the world’s greatest solvable problem+ The World Food Programme provides the food and monitors theimpact+ It’s proven that helping others makes you a happier persontoo+ Recommended by The New York Times, CNN, Wired, Buzzfeed, and manymore.**Please say hello**We love to hear from you! Send your feedback and suggestions tosupport@sharethemeal.org**Please join ShareTheMeal**Website https://sharethemeal.orgFacebook https://www.facebook.com/sharethemealTwitter https://twitter.com/sharethemealorgInstagram https://instagram.com/sharethemeal/Snapchat @sharethemeal
Global Ebola: UN Multimedia 1.3.65
United Nations
Find out the latest news on the globalresponse to stop the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. This UNmultimedia app provides you with daily audio and video updates onextraordinary efforts to get to zero cases and help the affectedcountries recover.- Daily bulletins on the Ebola outbreak from UN Radio in 8languages (Arabic, Chinese,English,French,Russian,Spanish,Kiswahili and Portuguese)- Live audio coverage of press conferences by senior UN officialsworking on the Ebola outbreak- Link to videos related to the Ebola outbreak- [pending - call-to-listen numbers in affected countries for usersto listen to news on Ebola in their region]
United Nations
The UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)Humanitarian Affairs Segment (HAS) provides a unique opportunityfor Member States to address the current humanitarian challengesand support operational and normative progress on the humanitarianpolicy agenda. Since 1998, the HAS has become an essential platformfor discussing the activities and issues related to strengtheningthe coordination of the humanitarian assistance of the UnitedNations. This forum enables Member States to engage in essentialdiscussions with the UN and non-UN humanitarian and developmentcommunity, as well as other actors of the humanitarian response,such as the private sector, the diaspora and regionalentities.
WHS 2016 2.0
United Nations
This is an application that you can useduringthe summit.You can access the all program list and can add the programyouwant to your calendar.You can obtain more detailed information about the rooms wheretheprograms will be held.If you wish you can follow the Shares about the summit, and youcanalso share.You can follow live broadcasts of programs.
SDG Pocketbook 1.1
United Nations
This is an initiative to briefly showcasetheSDGs on mobile devices, though it is not meant to be acompleteguide on this topic.The excerpts materials exposed in this app were taken aroundmidJune 2016 from original sources.Source: United Nations Department of Economic and SocialAffairs,Division for Sustainable Development, website forSUSTAINABLEDEVELOPMENT KNOWLEDGE PLATFORM:Website: https://sustainabledevelopment.un.orgRights and Permissions: United Nations PublicationsWebsite: https://shop.un.org/rights-permissionsContact: unitednationsdigital@gmail.comWebsite: https://unp.un.org
ReliefWeb Videos 1.1.1
United Nations
Watch the latest humanitarian videos,carefullyselected by our editors from over 300 sources.- Browse channels by country, theme, and organization .- Save your favorite videos to watch later and share viasocialmedia.
United Nations Visitor Centre 1.71
United Nations
Arts and architectural elements at the United Nations HQ publicareas in NewYork
Charter of the United Nations 1.0
United Nations
The Charter of the United Nations isthecornerstone of international peace and security. Thiseditionfeatures a new introduction titled “From War to Peace,”exclusivearchival photos and the Statute of the International CourtofJustice. This app includes the UN Charter in the 6officiallanguages of the United Nations: Arabic, Chinese, English,French,Russian and Spanish.
UN Emergency Notifications 1.5.1
United Nations
This app provides updates and resourcesonemergency planning and management from the EmergencyPreparednessand Support Team (EPST) at the United NationsHeadquarters. The appalso features a subscription service toreceive emergency updatenotifications.
GAR for Tangible Earth 2015 2.02
United Nations
GfT is a fully interactive stand-alone free Earth science app forlearning.
UNdata 6.0
United Nations
50+ statistical indicators for 30 world regions & 200+countries/territories.
UN Calendar of Observances 2.1.1
United Nations
Free app featuring United Nations observances calendar and UNachievements.
ReliefWeb Crises 2.4.0
United Nations
RW Crises provides comprehensive coverage ofover 20 crisis-affected countries. Get the latest humanitarianupdates, disaster trends and country overviews as well as links toin-country contacts, datasets, and jobs and training opportunities.Follow updates in real time and save content for offline use.Comprehensive coverageRW Crises covers over 20 countries and features links to datasetsand in-country contacts, disaster trends, country overviews as wellas jobs and training opportunities. Stay up to date on the latestdevelopments - new countries are added in real time when majordisasters strike.Smooth and easy navigationSeamlessly switch between countries and choose the type of contentyou want to see. Only interested in Sitreps? Simply go to theSitreps tab and swipe through the latest reports.Offline accessGoing to the field with no internet access and still want yourdata? Save RW Crises content for offline use in areas with poorconnectivity - an invaluable feature for users in the field. Youcan access all key figures as well as five reports in each category(Headlines, Sitreps, Visuals, etc.) while not connected to theinternet“ Information gathering and making sense of a fast-pacedhumanitarian crisis can be challenging. This app provides keyfigures, access to latest reports and maps, real time financialstatus, as well as a comprehensive overview for each crisis. All ofthis is kept updated in real time . The app allows you to quicklycompare different crises and gather the history of each event, soyou can follow the evolution of a situation. Some recent examples:Haiti’s Hurricane Matthew and the crisis in Syria.” - HuffingtonPost“ Those who are more interested in the status of humanitarianfunding appeals meanwhile, or in accessing situational maps andinfographics of a particular crisis might be more suited todownload the RW Crises app.” - Devex“... ReliefWeb Crises, gives you a detailed, in-depth overview ofthe most pressing humanitarian crises with an assortment of curatedarticles and informative charts and infographics, displaying, forinstance, the number of people in need and the number of peopletargeted for assistance.” - AppoliciousDownload RW Crises and keep up to date on the most pressinghumanitarian crises around the world!
ReliefWeb Headlines 1.0.25
United Nations
- Get notified whenever ReliefWeb initiatescoverage of a new disaster.- Personalize content based on your interests. Get the latestreports, new disasters and updates onyour chosen countries or topics- Save reports to read later. Export and share via socialmedia.
UN Human Rights
United Nations
Stay informed and support human rights directly on your phone !
UN Buddy First Aid 1.0.8
United Nations
The UN Buddy First Aid app!
MDCA 1.0.154
United Nations
MDCA Tool for collecting data on the go Build forms with thesystemand have your people collect the information easily
UNMAS Explosive Hazards 1.0.0
United Nations
This application is designed to complement the LandmineandExplosive Remnants of War (ERW) Safety Handbook developed bytheUnited Nations. Its ultimate aim is to provide generallandmine,ERW and IED awareness and safety information toorganizations andindividuals working in the vicinity of areasaffected by thesedevices in order to minimize the risk ofaccidents. Additionallanguages will be added in 2019.
Maano - Virtual Farmers Market 1.3.0
United Nations
Maano aims to connect millions of rural Zambian smallholderfarmerswith new buyers of their produce. Maano will do this by: •Makinginformation on farmers’ supply and buyers’ demand, identityandlocation visible to everyone through a smartphone application•Facilitating farmer-buyer discussions and price negotiation•Facilitating the sale of farmers’ produce through an escrowpaymentsystem where WFP acts as the guarantor between farmers andbuyersHow it works? Maano is essentially a combination of strippeddownversions of Ebay, Uber and WhatsApp adapted to the needs ofruralZambia farmers and buyers of their produce. Like Ebay, thefarmercan advertise the produce they have to sell on a dashboardthatbuyers can view. Buyers bid on this produce and the highestbiddermakes payment at the end of the bidding period. Like Uber,Maanouses an escrow payment system: payment does not go directlyfromthe buyer to the farmer. It goes first to the owner of thesystem(in this case WFP), and is held by WFP until the exchange ofgoodstakes place. Then WFP releases the payment to the farmer.LikeWhatsApp, farmers are placed in chat groups with other farmersfromtheir locality and with other farmers growing the same crops.Thishelps farmers share knowledge (market price information,transportcosts, tips on how to grow their crops, etc.) and iscriticallyimportant to help farmers organise the bulking of theirproduce sothat they can attract bigger buyers. When and where isithappening? Now in Zambia. There is only one rainy season inZambia,therefore only one harvest, and therefore only one marketingseasonwhen farmers can sell their produce: between April andOctober. In2017, Maano aims to work with 50 smallholder farmercommunities infour districts in southern and central Zambia. Whatdoes ‘Maano’mean? ‘Maano’ was the name given to the project by thefirst groupof participant farmers. Maano means ‘intelligent’ in thefarmers’local language, Tonga, which is widely spoken in Zambia.Farmersexplained their choice, saying that “the success of thisprojectdepends on farmers’ using their head” and because “the ideabehindthis project and the technology it uses are clever – we areusing‘smart’ phones!” Also noteworthy is that the word ‘Maano’ mayhaveancient origins. ‘Manu’ is a Sanskrit word, which means"thinking,wise."
United Nations
1point5 helps you to maintain social distance.
GAR for Tangible Earth 2017 3.05
United Nations
GAR Atlas (GfT2017) is a fully interactive free Earth scienceapplication
United Nations
In this application you will be able to see the necessary tools forthe main actions that must be developed during an emergency
UNOG Directory Search 1.04
United Nations
Reserved to local staff only, it allows searching contacts in theUNOG campus.
UNCOVID-19 e-learning 1.0.2
United Nations
The operating environment faced by United Nations peacekeepers isincreasingly demanding and volatile. Peacekeepers are exposed torisks such as being targets of malicious acts; and encounterinjury, illness and loss of life in their duties. Additionally,since the end of 2019 the entire world, and thus the United Nationspeacekeeping missions are threatened by the COVID 19 pandemic. TheUnited Nations is committed to working with Member States inproviding a consistent level of high-quality pre-deploymenttraining to all mission personnel. The COVID-19 pre-deploymenttraining will allow all peacekeeping personnel to be aware of themeasures they need to take to protect themselves and preventfurther spread of the disease. This course is based on the factsand best practices, guided by the World Health Organization, toprevent COVID 19.
UN Digital Library in Nepal 2.1
United Nations
UN Digital Library in Nepal preserving institutional memories.
UN News 263(7.0.0)
United Nations
Your gateway to daily news and verified information from the UN in9 languages
UN Booking Hub 2.0.1
United Nations
Book UN Accommodation, UN Drivers, UNHAS Flights, UN Clinics andmore IN A TAP!
UN Audio Channels 4.6.2
United Nations
Be up to date on what is happening in the United Nations and aroundthe world.
INSARAG Guidelines 3.3.0
United Nations
INSARAG Guideline Documents provided by United Nations
UNDAC 3.3.0
United Nations
The United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination(UNDAC)application provides the user with the Field Handbook andusefuldocuments for expert deployments into response andpreparednessmissions in natural disasters. The application allowsyou as a userto download the chapters of types of documents you areinterestedin and they will be automatically downloaded andsynchronized toyour mobile device. Once downloaded, you will beable to access thefiles while not having access to regularconsistent internetconnection. The United Nations DisasterAssessment and Coordinationapplication does not store or use anypersonal information fromyour device.
UN "How To" 1.4.2
United Nations
This app is an easy way for UN delegates to efficiently navigatethe UN system.
UN IGF 9.0
United Nations
Manage your IGF activity
COVID-19: response 1.0.4
United Nations
The United Nations COVID-19 Response app provides instant updates
Review Digital Toolkit 1.0
United Nations
The Review Toolkit is UN App for knowledge exchange methodologies
UN Kazakhstan 1.0.2
United Nations
United Nations country team of Kazakhstan
LDC5 28.0.1
United Nations
United Nations Conference